

Our links pages lists information and links to useful Industry Partners, Boards and our Associates in the property industry and related industries.

Pesco Property Inspections
Whenever a property is sold and transferred to a new owner, the new owner is entitled to receive an electrical compliance certificate from the seller. Under South African law, this is a legal requirement and the conveyancing attorney will need to be in possession of a compliance certificate prior to been able to transfer the property. Pesco Property Inspections also offers wood borer clearance certificates, but these are only mandatory if the property being sold is in an area whch is at risk of wood destroying insects. We recommend Pesco for all your electrical compliance certificates and woodborer clearance certificates.

Totalserve Management Ltd is an international corporate, trust and tax services group headquartered on the island of Cyprus. The group specialises in the areas of international tax planning, worldwide corporate services, including company registrations, and the creation of international trusts. It also offers full management and administration of companies and trusts. Finally, it provides ship registration as well as shipping and shipmanagement services. Totalserve’s professional staff is made up of carefully hand-picked lawyers, accountants and tax consultants accumulating many years of experience in their respective fields.

Property Jobs
Property Jobs, leaders in the field of Online property recruitment solutions. Your first stop when recruiting or seeking a job in the property industry.

Business Partners
Business Partners is a specialist investment company providing debt and equity investment, mentorship and property management services for SMEs in South Africa

BC Franchising Consultants
BC Franchising Consultancy is a specialist Restaurant brokerage dealing in the re-sale of existing Franchised and Non – Franchised food outlets. We also represent a number of Franchised restaurant brands and is our mandate to find new Franchisees and new sites for our clients. In most instances, we are the preferred brokers for the re-sale of existing outlets for the brands that we represent. BC Franchising has also entered into the General business brokerage business.

The Estate Agency Affairs Board
The Estate Agency Affairs Board (EAAB) was established in 1976 in terms of the Estate Agency Affairs Act 112 of 1976 (‘the Act”), with the mandate to regulate and control certain activities of estate agents in the public interest. The EAAB regulates the estate agency profession through ensuring that all persons carrying out the activities of an estate agent as a service to the public are registered with the EAAB. A Fidelity Fund Certificate, which is to be renewed each year is issued as evidence of such registration and confirmation that such person is legally entitled to carry out the activities of an estate agent.

The Institute of Estate Agents of South Africa
The Institute of Estate Agents of South Africa (IEASA) is the property industry's number one professional body since 1937. When you deal with a Member of the Institute of Estate Agents (MIEA), you are assured that he or she is trained and qualified, legally registered to practice, and has access to all the supporting services which he or she needs to provide you with high standard of service that you expect.

South African Property Owners Association
The South African Property Owners Association (SAPOA) is committed to protecting the interests of the commercial and industrial property sectors, in terms of ownership, management and development. Their objectives are based on the principles of the free enterpise system as the only workable economic system and the inalienability of property ownership, not only for its members but also for the future of South Africa, and its competitiveness in the world arena.

Contractor Find is an online resource allowing you, a property owner or property manager, the option to request single or multiple quotes for work required and once you have selected and used your service provider you can then rate and review their work based on price, quality, supervision, communication and speed. All on a simple user-friendly platform saving you time and money.
SEARCH for the type of contractor/service provider you need in your area anywhere in South Africa.
FIND them listed on the page and read reviews, check out gallery photos and the quality of work they do.
GET QUOTES from the contractor you prefer via telephone, direct message or comlpete the multiple quote request form.

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