Property News - October 2021
Welcome to our Property Investment Newsletter, the aim of which is to keep you up to date and informed as to the most recent property trends and news.
Please feel free to contact us with regards to all your Residential, Commercial and Industrial sales, lettings, auction and property management requirements. We look forward to being of service to you!
Portfolio Property Investments (PPI) is fully online via our Unique business platform that can be accessed by us as your agents, yourself as clients, your partners and you auditors “24/7” no matter where you may be.
Noisy Neighbours – Your Rights, and Buyers Beware!
In common law, everyone is in general permitted to use their property for any purpose they choose, provided that the use of the property should not intrude unreasonably on the use and enjoyment by the neighbours of their properties.
Legal Update - Do Personal Suretyships Survive Business Rescue?
A recent SCA (Supreme Court of Appeal) decision has brought welcome clarity to the question of whether – and in what circumstances – such personal suretyships will survive the business rescue process.
UK Property - Prime London Sales Index: July 2021
After a record month for the prime London property market in June, it was no surprise that transaction volumes dipped in July as the stamp duty holiday began to wind down.
UK Property - Prime London Lettings Index: July 2021
Rental values rose month-on-month for the first time since the start of the pandemic, as the steep declines experienced over the last 17 months begin to reverse.
SA Political - It is not the Criminal, It is the Civil
After a week during which both Jacob Zuma’s and Ace Magashule’s criminal trials were postponed again, many South Africans are wondering when they will see people in orange overalls. That is fair. But while the wheels of criminal justice turn slowly, it doesn’t mean there are no consequences for wrongdoing. Civil proceedings have already had quite an impact.